Glenda Gibson is originally from Australia but has now settled near to Nottingham in the UK. She is a self-taught artist and works predominantly in oils in an abstract or semi abstract way and likes to disrupt shapes and lines to create an asymmetrical beauty. She enjoys the physicality of painting and tries to push the way she uses oils to the limit by scratching, printing, and use of glazes. Alongside this, her love of colour is apparent in the way she applies saturated colour to represent emotions and spirituality. She is currently deepening her understanding of composition through weekly portrait drawing and small daily prayer paintings. Those who buy her work comment on the joy, faith and friendship which flow out from her colourful paintings.
She has exhibited on a regular basis since 2007 and as the curator of Kooroon Gallery where she ran exhibitions for other artists.
In 2019 she was the Arts Co-ordinator for a Methodist Modern Art Collection exhibition in Leicester and went on to create a zine using the poetry written in response to the paintings. She has worked for her own church as their Art Co-ordinator which includes painting, creating posters and a logo for the church as well as a series of work featuring the stations of the cross. Glenda has painted prophetically during worship in church services. She is a co-leader of This Beautiful Dust with Donna Drouin, a group which aims to encourage Christian artists and together they have recently launched a podcast talking about various aspects of art and living as an artist, called Art Dust.
She enjoys encouraging others on their artistic journey. She teaches a children's art class locally and was featured in REtoday in 2017 for her work in collaborating with a local primary school on the theme Incarnation and again in 2019 in Shaped every day, about prophetic painting. She also teaches adult classes encouraging them to find new skills and develop their mark making. She organises workshops and led an oil painting workshop based on the work of the artist Jyoti Sahi, and Oil Painting Experimentation.
Glenda has painted a mural in her house, is doing illustrations for a children's book and creating paintings around the theme of buds and seeds.