Water Series

Here's my latest series of paintings ready for the open studios and the pop up exhibition at Lamport Hall

I am loving being able to take a more freeing approach in my work, capturing the beauty of the surrounding area that I am in. I like to sketch and paint outdoors and bring these back to the studio to use as ideas for my paintings. I love the many layers of paint, collage and other media that capture what it was like to be in the landscape. I work on a number of paintings at one time and on a variety of sizes.

The inspiration from this new series comes from walking round the local area as well as Yorkshire and Derbyshire where in the natural environment seeing details in patterns and texture, then simplifying these by abstracting the key elements. i love to walk and these paintings come from 

 I hope that you see the beauty in my work and your imagination is stirred by what you see.

Claire Mycock
Artist Profile
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