Rah Flynn

X-Ray and Surgical Fine Artist

Rah Flynn uses x-rays, monochrome photography and digital painting techniques to strip away vibrancy, scent and colour, allowing the viewer to rest with the beauty within. From iodine-enhanced botanicals to Neurosurgical dexterity, Rah's work asks the viewer to look inside and look again, perceiving in a different way.

This art exists to challenge fear.

A practising Diagnostic Radiographer by Profession. Familial experience of Autism and bereavement provided Rah's strong motivation to empower people to look inside themselves. Using the tools of Medical Imaging, Rah began to x-ray botanicals. The wish was to strip away all of the things we associate with floral beauty, to show that without the external attractive finery, there is a visceral exquisiteness within. This is analogised to ourselves; if we get to know the things that we fear, the grey areas within, we find peace and beauty there.

A recent project sets out to challenge the fear and mystery surrounding surgery. Rah shows the hands of Surgeons as they perform surgery to give the viewer a door into the world of the operating theatre, to connect with the hands that heal.

Rah Flynn
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