I am interested in creating images which convey stillness; the quiet inner world of reflection which can be lost in the noise of the everyday world.
The resonance of the final image takes absolute precedence over all technical considerations.
Although popular with many photographers, I don’t find the ‘definitive moment or documentary style approaches fulfilling. Instead I feel a need to give extended consideration to my ideas, to linger on images I have seen, imagined or dreamed. Part of my process is to then (re)construct those images– perhaps through drawing. Working with the resources I have to hand and with the tensions: control and serendipity, ideal and the real– to create something that resonates.
My photographic practice is embedded within my immediate experience; my inclusion of friends and family within the image, the use of locations I encounter. I engage with my surroundings more actively, to find the interesting in the seemingly mundane.
There is no intention for my images to capture a moment, document, be didactic or to contain any prescriptive narrative or meaning. I use ideas that interest me to create images that I feel work within themselves and resonate.