My name is Judy and my studio is in the village of Thorpe Malsor. Work from home and can be contacted on messenger or phone 07939408430 if you wish to visit.
There are always art works to view by appointment.
During Open Studios over 30 paintings and great ceramics will be on show with free entry.
Other artists Ian Luck, Sue Taylor, Louise Berril will have paintings on show and Philip Wilkes is a very interesting and knowledgeable potter and Studio 19 are pleased to welcome him to this year's exhibition.
Ian Luck needs no introduction. He plays a huge part in all the artistic activity based around Kettering. The fine detail he brings to his painting and prints makes them very distinctive.
Susan Taylor had an exhibition opening on the eve of the first COVID Lockdown at The Alfred East. It had to be postponed and was just fitted in before the extensive works there started. Studio 19 is delighted to host her paintings.
The youngest of our artists, Louise Berrill, fits her professional art work around the needs of her young family. Large landscapes emerge from her tiny studio and she takes on commissions. Louise was a wild artist on Landscape of the Year.
At Studio 19 we are happy to welcome children and will have an activity for them to engage in, or the walled garden is a safe place for them to enjoy themselves while grown-ups relax and enjoy the art.